My name is Cher Lively, I am from Iraan, a very small west Texas town. I have a Masters degree in Administration and I taught math for 21 years.

As a former educator my interest was peaked when I heard of the need for instructors. I see this position as a way to not only help agents right the wrongs that the industry has done & continues to do to clients, but also a way to illustrate the impact that our great company has on agents and clients.

We are rewarded monetarily, though our true reward comes when we deliver a death claim to a beneficiary and they realize that their life style will not have to change. The next reward comes when we invest their money in the right areas and the client sees how that money has grown, and he/she breaks down in tears & thanks us stating that now they know that they can retire financially secure.

My goal & desire is to help agents fight against the injustice with both license & securities license.